For the 2024 school year, there are 237 private schools serving 50,709 students in Mississippi (there are 1,048 public schools, serving 444,117 students). 10% of all K-12 students in Mississippi are educated in private schools (compared to the national average of 10%).
The average private school tuition is $5,894 for elementary schools and $6,458 for high schools (view national tuition averages).
The best top ranked private schools in Mississippi include Bayou Academy, St. Joseph Catholic School and Saint Stanislaus High School.
The average acceptance rate is 95% (view national acceptance rates). Minority enrollment is 18% and the student:teacher ratio is 12:1.
Top Ranked Mississippi Private Schools by County (2024)
Popular neighborhoods: Fondren (3 schools), Belhaven (2 schools), Capitol Neighbors (1 schools), Queens Magnolia Terrace (1 schools), Greenbrook (1 schools).
# Schools
# Students
% of K-12 Students in Private Schools
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the top ranked private schools in Mississippi?
The best top ranked private schools in Mississippi include Bayou Academy, St. Joseph Catholic School and Saint Stanislaus High School.
How many private schools are located in Mississippi?
237 private schools are located in Mississippi.
How much do private schools cost in Mississippi?
The average private school tuition in Mississippi is $5,894 for elementary schools and $6,458 for high schools
How diverse are private schools in Mississippi?
Mississippi private schools are approximately 18% minority students (view national minority students).
What percentage of students in Mississippi go to private school?
10% of all K-12 students in Mississippi are educated in private schools (compared to national average of 10%).
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