10 Useful Hints To Help You Choose Compare And Contrast Poetry Essay Topics

A compare and contrast poetry essay is one of the easiest types of academic papers that you might be assigned at school. You should select two poems, analyze them, and find the things that are similar and those that are different. However, you won’t have much of a paper if you don’t explain why those differences and similarities matter.

To be able to compose a strong assignment, you should choose an appropriate topic. The following 10 useful hints will help you come up with a good compare and contrast poetry essay idea:

  1. Keep the requirements of your professor on hand, so you’ll remember how many pages you should write, what topics you should avoid, and what pieces of writing you can choose from.
  2. Consider the poems that you like. An essay idea should be interesting for you, so you’ll have fun working on your assignment.
  3. Pick something that you’re familiar with. If you already read some poems written by an author that you study at class and you liked them, you can write your essay comparing and contrasting them.
  4. Study your class notes. If you have good class notes, you might find ideas for your paper there. For instance, you’re likely to find a note that contains a potential topic idea given by your teacher.
  5. Think about choosing modern pieces of writing to study. It’s a good idea to compare and contrast modern poetry pieces.
  6. Brainstorm potential ideas with your friends. Sometimes, it’s hard to come up with a good topic alone but you can invite your classmates to brainstorm essay topics together.
  7. Select several ideas that you like, take a break, choose the one you want to develop in your essay, and conduct a background study. It’s advisable to run a search using keywords to ensure that you have enough material to compose a solid paper.
  8. Visit your teacher and get your topic approved before you start to write your assignment. He or she will help you refine your ideas and provide valuable advice on where to get the necessary materials to support your points.
  9. Stay specific. Since you can analyze chosen pieces of literature forever, you should focus you study and prepare an outline that will help you organize your thoughts.
  10. Check whether your compare and contrast essay corresponds to your title after you complete a rough draft. It’s fine to correct it a little bit to ensure that your text fully meets the topic.

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